
Ignacio Higa (比嘉イグナシオ)

Ignacio Higa (比嘉イグナシオ) アルゼンチン 3世


My great grandparents moved to South america (first Brazil, then Argentina) looking for a better life and work.


I think Okinawan people should try the habit of the “Mate”-cha which is a good way to socialize with people and make new friends.


The nikkei society in Argentina (of which most of them are okinawa-jin) is very popular in argentina, thanks to cultural
events (like Bon Odori). Sadly, i thnik most of us dont know how to talk in Nihongo, but they appreciate and respect the japanese culture, and keeps argentina`s nikkei society strong.


I really enjoyed everyday i was in Okinawa, learning a lot of new things, and having so many expeciences. That is why, is you have the chance, go to other countries to learn about new cultures and to have a great time. You are all welcome to Argentina, so please, come to my country someday.